Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I like beginnings. The beginning of the day, the beginning of the week, the month, the year… There’s something about the beginning that seems so fresh and opportunistic. It’s like you get a clean slate to start whatever you want to start. A diet, an exercise program, a new perspective, a new you.

I mentioned in a previous post that September is my birthday month and so, it dawned on me that this is the beginning of a new year of life for me. I never viewed my birthday that way before. (I’m telling you…it’s something about the 30s!)I usually only considered January 1, the start of the new year, but really, each birthday signifies a new year of life for that individual. Isn’t that nice!? A beginning!

For the next 12 months, I’ll be taking strides and making efforts to improve this year of life for me. I’ll be doing the things I’ve thought about doing but never followed through on. I’ll be doing the things I know I should do, but don’t. I’ll be intentionally working towards doing and being better in areas of my life that I feel need improvement.

Your birthday may be far off, but really, there’s no time like the present to live the life you want to live. Don’t keep waiting if you’ve felt a tug to do and be a better you! Won’t you join me? Share any things you’re working on and your goals towards self improvement in the comments below. This is exciting! This is the beginning of a new you, and a new me!

 Month 1: Mission 1- Exercise

Alright people, let’s keep it real! The benefits of exercise are touted everywhere! Everywhere! Aside from helping us reach any weight loss goals we may have, exercise is heart healthy! We know this! Yet, how many of us view exercise as just one more thing to do? And I can certainly admit that this has been my philosophy. I mean really, who has time to exercise? (Am I the only one who has watched an exercise DVD…like sitting on the couch with workout clothes on watch?) But really, how can we not? I bet if my doctor told me personally that exercise could ward off a serious illness I could likely get, I would get my butt moving. I would probably run home from the doctor’s office just to get some exercise in right away! The thing is, we don’t have to wait until our backs are against the wall to do what we know we should do. And with all the options available now, there’s really no excuse.

There are countless ways to get moving, from walking, to running, to weight lifting and yoga. And, there are countless ways to access the variety of exercise guides available. One of my favorites is You Tube because they have some of everything. From Jillian Michael’s to Insanity, you can likely find it on You Tube. You Tube also has short and sweet workouts (I’m talking 10 minutes!) that bust our excuse of there’s no time. Two of my go to channels are Tiffany Rothe and Pop Sugar.

My goal is to workout in some form 3-4 days a week. If I do more, great, but the 3 day deal is really non-negotiable! I'm starting small, with a few 10 minute workouts and then I'll ease back into my 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels.

Share your goals in the comments! Making it known might just help you stick with it!


  1. Goal: lose 30 lbs before my baby turns one! I have 7 months so I'll be looking to you for inspiration!
