Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall has fallen! It officially arrived on Sunday, September 22. Sigh. Where is the time going?

For the next 5 days, I’ll be posting things that I have done, plan to do, or want to do as it relates to Fall and this time of year. I’d love to hear about things you do or will do for Fall, so do share in the comments!

 Here are 5 health related things I’ll be doing around the house this week now that Fall is here.

 1.       Stock up on tissue. I’m sure this one seems a bit lame, but it is so very important. Fall... ‘tis the season for unexplained and random runny noses…you know the type…like the type of runny nose that only occurs in the morning or at night before bed. Fall is also the time of year where cold viruses always seem more rampant. Save yourself a roll of toilet tissue and stock up on face tissue now!

 2.    Dust. I dust the main areas of my house once a week, Tuesdays to be exact. But with Fall comes cooler weather and likely more time spent indoors. Below are some areas in my home that could use some extra dusting. I plan to tackle these areas this week.

*  Dust the for real, not my usual once over with the swiffer duster.
Dust the vents.
Dust baseboards in all rooms.
*  Dust fake flowers and trees. Am I the only one with these in their house?
Dust the top of the refrigerator. Yikes. Have you looked on top of yours lately?

 3.    Clean the carpet. How often do you have your carpet cleaned? We haven’t done this much at all and I plan to hit the high traffic areas this week.

 4.    Vacuum out the couch and clean pillows. I’m sure most people vacuum out their couch once every other week or so, right? HA Not me! Vacuuming them out this week should be quite interesting! And by clean the pillows, I mean sprinkle with a little baking soda or spray some Lysol on them. How do you clean your couch pillows?

5.     Change the air filters. This is a really simple one to do and like the others, this helps reduce the allergens in your home.

What health related things do you like to do for Fall?


  1. Those are great ideas....the flu shot might be something else to consider getting in the fall

  2. Thanks! These are good ideas. I need to get on the ball!!!
